Friday, August 25, 2017

Why I Have A Jar of Coconut Oil In My Cupboard

I have a jar of coconut oil in my cupboard. I bought it several months ago. I didn't even know what I was buying it for. I suppose I had seen things on Pinterest, read articles, and heard from friends about how many wonderful things coconut oil can do. I didn't have any particular need for it though.

But, there it was, calling my name from the store shelf, making me feel like I had to try it to fit in, be a good mom or housewife, or to better myself in some way by giving in to this popular new thing to try.

But there it still sits, on my cupboard shelf, doing nothing but reminding me that I have not met some standard or tried some recipe that I should have.

Isn't this how it goes though?

So often, we as women especially, are made to feel like there are certain things that we should be buying, baking, wearing, or doing with our kids to be better, or to be "good enough". 

I am made to feel like I must do all of the things that this culture promotes if I want to succeed. 

In reality, I only need to make sure I do what God says, do what is best for my family, and take care of me. If I am in line with God's Word, and if I am seeking His will, I will not fail because I'm not on top of the latest health product or trend.

Maybe I don't keep up with behavior charts (though I keep trying them over and over). Maybe I don't feed my kids all organic foods (I'm lucky I get any kind of veggies in them at all). Maybe I have never used coconut oil! But I pray for wisdom in my decisions, I teach my kids to be kind, respectful and to love people, and I try my best to please Christ above everything.

Parenting is one of the biggest areas of life that is subject to the flood of unsolicited advice and the push to do things this way or that because that's how someone else did it, and it worked for them.

I love my kids and take care of them according to what I have learned works best for them. I have found that things that work for one kid, don't work for the other one. And things that I see some families do together would end up being a disaster for us.

And of course there are also the millions of meal plans, exercise routines, DIY projects, and "Get Your Life Together!" blogs that pop up in our news feeds and make us feel that "not good enough" feeling too.

I don't think all these things are bad. I just know that not ALL of them are good, or at least not all of them are good for all of us.

So be aware that just because something looks good on Pinterest , doesn't mean it's going to work for you.

So don't feel like you need to do what everyone else is into. That will likely change next year anyway!

Col. 3:1-2
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

If I keep my mind on what everyone else is doing and saying, how can I focus on what God wants for me? That coconut oil, despite never being opened, is still sitting in my cupboard. I have let it sit there and remind me every day that I have failed at using it for something good in my life. I did not use it for great skin or hair, I did not put it in my coffee to boost weight loss, I didn't even rub it on my temples for stress relief! 

The truth is, it could have helped me in a lot of ways. But I did it all wrong. I wanted this miracle product, just because it seemed like this quick easy fix for something. Instead of focusing on the real Miracle Worker, I wanted a heavily promoted product to change my life. 

God has a plan for me. It's my plan. He has a path that He is calling me to, and it is different than the path of others. There are a lot of good roads out there. But the one He is leading me to, is mine. And He will equip me for that journey, no matter how difficult, how long, or how different it is from anyone else's path.

Deuteronomy 31:6

So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

Be you! Go on your journey! Stop comparing yourself to others. Do better for you and yours. And if you do use coconut oil and love it, give me a call and I'll send mine over to you!