Saturday, April 29, 2017

Praying For Flowers

Sometimes I find myself praying for things, and then wondering why life gets harder. So I think about what it takes for flowers to grow.

A flower must first be planted. It needs the right soil in the right environment.
Firmly stand where you want to grow. Ground yourself in Truth and Love.

Then comes the rain. If it is not planted properly, it may wash away.
Soak in the rain. Let it nourish but not overcome you.

In the right timing, the sun comes out. And the flower can get the strength it needs to rise. Turn your eyes toward the Son. Then it's time to grow into what He has made you to be.

So don't just pray for flowers. Pray to be planted, pray for rain, and look to the Son. Then you will flourish.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Overcoming Emotions and Choosing Christ

"I am afraid to be rejected." 

"I don't feel like forgiving."

"I'm too hurt to love them."

"I want to do what makes me happy."

Have you ever had these kinds of thoughts?

Did you follow your feelings and act according to them?

The world tells us that what we feel is what's important. The Bible tells a very different story. God's way has purpose. He is very intentional. He doesn't act on emotion. He acts on truth, righteousness, and love.

 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. 
Galatians 5:16-17 

I am so often guilty, as I think many people are, of leading with my feelings. If I am feeling sad, I may use that as an excuse to not be thankful. If I am angry, that might prevent me from forgiving. If I am afraid, I may not take the next step in the difficult journey God set before me. 

Feelings and emotions are part of our humanity. They can be beautiful, but they can also lead us astray. They can help us work through life, but they can also lie to us and bring us down the wrong path.

So how do we know which way to go? If we can't trust our feelings, what guides us?


Where do we find truth? How do we know where truth lies when we feel our emotions telling us to walk in all different directions? How do we make choices and leave our fragile heart strings out of it?

Proverbs 3:5-6 says this:

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.

There's a choice we have to make long before we face these situations. If I decide to love my neighbor before he hurts me, then when that time comes I don't have to even think about what the right reaction is. I've already decided in my spirit that I'm going to love and forgive. If I decide I am going to be honest and walk in integrity, I won't have to make the decision to do that when I'm faced with a situation that makes me afraid to speak the truth and stand for what is right.

So when your husband or wife does something hurtful, you've already made that commitment to stand by them "for better or for worse". If your child rejects you and turns from what you have taught them, you know that you are to stand in faith that God will work on them while you wait for them to come home to what is right. When you are treated unfairly or persecuted, you know you are to turn the other cheek. Is it scary? Oh yeah. Does it feel like darkness? Of course. Will people disagree with your choices? Most likely. But you made a promise. You stood before God, before any of those circumstances came up, and chose to walk in His ways.

So where do we get these principles? How do we know what truths to live by?

God's Word.

If you have Christ in your life, you have Truth in your spirit. He has written His Word on your heart. He has given us His Word to live by. If we make the choice to follow His commands, there's no feeling that can change that.

Psalm 119:105 speaks of God's word as a guide for us:

Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws.

Is it easy? Absolutely not. Will we still have those hard to overcome emotions? Yes. All the time. So how do we overcome?

Choose Christ. Every day. Every minute if we have to. Choose Him before circumstances arise. Choose Him in the midst of them. Keep choosing Him after you start down the path.

Over, and over, and over again. 

When we have already decided in our heart to follow Christ, we no longer have to figure out what is right. We already know. It's right there in God's word. Everything He wants us to know, and every way He wants us to live. And when those temptations, circumstances, or trials come our way, we need only to follow the path that has already been set before us. 

What happens if we fall off the path? What if I follow my emotions and stray from what I know God has for me?

He waits for us.

Thank you Lord for your grace.

His Spirit is in our heart, cheering us on. His still small voice is reminding us that we belong to Him. Christ overcame it all, so that we could follow Him. 

Now, all we need to do is keep walking and follow Him.